quinta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2011

Cat Lamp_by Olivier Kuntzel and Florence Deygas Designers

This is special communication between the designer Olivier Kuntzel and Florence Deygas animators, who produce exceptional furniture. Results charming generate a unique lamp. Animator from Paris, France provides an interesting picture the animation of a cat. Then in the hands of a skilled designer, this animation made table lamps and floor lamps are excellent. It is working and a great result for them. Designers make this lamp as if this furniture to life. Light generated from the cat’s whiskers and nose. When the light is on you can see the image a cat’s face. Lamp body is made like a cat body. Lamp body made of aluminum painted black so it looks cat-interesting evening. Designers create designs in accordance with the style cat, when the cat walk, sit, and attacking his opponent. This creative lamp is very attractive. Unique and modern design can be provide an attractive atmosphere for your home. [kuntzeldeygas]

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